Hama-Rikyu Garden is a small garden located in Tokyo.

The Hama-Rikyu Garden is located at the mouth of the Sumida River by the Tokyo Bay.

It was donated by the Imperial family in 1945 to become a public park.

The garden was the site of a residence of the Tokugawa shogun family since the mid-1600s. 

A huge – literally – feature of this garden is the ‘300-year old pine’, which is known by that name.

300-year old pine, view from the path - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
View from the path
300-year old pine tree supports - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Some of the supports
300 year old pine top with supports - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
The pine top
300 year old pine two main trunks - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Two main trunks
300 year old pine network of supports - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Many supports from under
300 year old pine history - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
The pine history
Blooming plum trees (ume) - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Blooming plum trees - ume
Plum tree grove (ume) now open - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Ume grove now open
View of downtown Tokyo from inside Hama-Rikyu Garden - Japan
With a view of downtown Tokyo
Severely pruned Cockspur coral tree - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Cockspur coral tree
Good directions - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Some directions
Wisteria on treillis, Hama-Rikyu Garden - Tokyo, Japan
Wisteria on treillis
Mustard plot protected under netting - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Mustard under protection
Machilus Bay tree, Hama-Rikyu Garden - Tokyo, Japan
Machilus Bay tree
Inner moat history, Hama-Rikyu Garden - Tokyo, Japan
Inner moat history
Garden plan and history - Hama-Rikyu Garden, Tokyo, Japan
The garden plan and history
May 3rd in front of our cottage in Montbeillard, oil, 20 x 24 - ice melting on a lake - painting by Clemence St. Laurent

For beautiful paintings of landscapes and flowers, please visit this website:
